Foreward by Jery Whitworth
In One Heart, Four Seasons, Susan Quaglia Brown draws from her 35 years of in-depth Yoga and meditation practice to demystify kundalini yoga. Out from under its previous misleading portrayal, Susan skillfully frames kundalini yoga as a valuable tool to assist individuals through difficult situations and challenges one faces. Assisting the physical body to surrender and release its blockages and pain, yoga aids in fighting fatigue, helps to overcome and transition through illnesses, increases flexibility and strength, and enhances the immune system.
Susan's kundalini yoga teaching approach uniquely sets itself apart from others. Ms Brown is keenly aware of varied differences in body types and levels of expertise in those exploring her method. Her flexible coaching style ‘strives for perfection while meeting you where you are at’ on your own individual journey. Providing many variations towards an optimal pose, Susan’s wide range of options lead the reader not only towards ways to incorporate this practice into daily life, but also how to derive a wide range of mind, body, spirit and energetic benefits.
In Susan’s approach, yoga sets and meditations are coordinated with the Four Seasons to synchronize ones body and mind with the cycles and vibrational energy of Nature resulting in a deepening of the process. In this heightened state of focused awareness, where quieting of the monkey mind chatter occurs, the participant/reader is transported on a safe and gentle journey of self-exploration which soothe and liberate emotional stressors and tensions.
Whether you are new to kundalini yoga, or a seasoned veteran of its practice, a high degree of consideration and attention to all levels of experience is present in Ms. Brown’s teaching. Her unique instructional approach reshapes ‘standards or goals of perception that are exclusive’ into an approachable and tangible practice for all walks of life, body types, and ages.
Within Susan’s insightful and mindful book awaits numerous rewarding possibilities. There could be no better time than now to EXPERIENCE the experience of Susan Brown’s kundalini yoga heart-felt teachings.
Jery Whitworth is the owner of Integrative Health Care Resources NYC and was the Co-Founder and Exec Director, Dept. of Complimentary Medicine Services at NY Presbyterian Hospital
Kundalini Yoga: One Heart, Four Seasons_Digital Book_165 pages
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